You wrote a book. It’s edited. You’ve got a cover. You’re ready to publish. Now what?
Regardless of whether you’re working with a traditional publisher, indie house or are publishing your book yourself, your next step is to put together a plan to promote it.

That’s right. Writing a book isn’t enough, you’ve got to market it if you want it to sell.
I’m here to help
Putting together a marketing plan for your book doesn’t have to be overwhelming. You can make a start by signing up for a free copy of my Marketing Workbook.
My marketing workbook breaks down the plan into pre-publication, book launch and post-publication. With example tactics, sample timelines and deliverables trackers, you’ll find planning and managing your marketing efforts to be much less work than you thought.
If you’re looking for a step-by-step guide, grab a copy of How to Market Your Book – it will be out on August 1st.
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